Monday, January 18, 2010

Horse Hobby vs Paying the Mortgage!

In sympathy to many horse owners everywhere I created this design using a photo cutout of a horse head to centre the text "You Know there's something wrong when your Hobby costs more than your mortgage!". Its a sad truth but inescapable for some - dare I say many? horse obsessed people! A little sarcastic, sardonic humor for the horse world...
Why oh why do I still want one? LOL

This design is at Skreened on t-shirts and tote bags. It will also be at Zazzle on many other products, including mugs, mousepads, buttons, magnets and other great gift ideas.


  1. There's something beautiful about the grace of the equines. I'm a fine art photographer and have a few of my shots on Zazzle wares.

    Just a thought... Do you know about the Zazzlit Google gadget? It allows you to display just the specials and featured items you want... more flexible than the Zazzle flash panel you're already using.

  2. Thanks for the suggestion Highton-Ridley - I'll have to check it out (where do I find the gadget?). I'm not fond of how long the flash panel takes to load etc.


About Me

My photo
I am a freelance visual artist and photographer. Almost anything can find its way into my subject matter and my muse is light - and dark! The drama of contrasts intrigue me. I'm beginning to delve into lifestyle and people portraiture. Life is an incredible journey and I am always amazed at where the journey leads me.